How can you prove that you are you online?

On MySpace, when you need to prove that you are who you say you are, you take a photo of yourself holding a piece of paper with a certain message on it and e-mail it to MySpace.

That effectively proves that you are indeed a real live human being... but that doesn't mean you are, in fact, you.  You could have set up a Charlie O'Donnell profile and put up your own pictures, then e-mailed a picture of yourself saying, "I'm Charlie O'Donnell."

I just checked out ClaimID.  Its basically  tagging incidences of yourself with a bookmarklet and it will present them on a highly search optimized "about" page.  However, I don't see what stops anyone else from claiming you.  I guess that might be their model... "Claim yourself before someone else does."

My bank seems to do a pretty good job of figuring out who I am...    I guess there's little chance that anyone else would know my mom's maiden name and my social security number.  But I don't think I'd give either of those out to a web service.

What you really need, at minimum, so a technorati type service for claiming stuff.  So, something that crawls my LinkedIn page, then tells me to change something on it within a half hour or something.  That's good proof that I own that page... and then my blog...  and then other services I may be on... and then they might do degrees of seperation.  So, if I own my blog, and someone links to it and says, "Charlie O'Donnell is a cool guy" then they're probably talking about the same me because of the link.

Are there definitive ways of proving who you are in other creative ways?

LinkedIn, blogs and product development

The Smartest Little Girl in the Class