Priorities and Goals

Priorities and goals for the remainder of 2004...

1) Get book published, either through the publisher its at now, or on my own.

2) Get into Stanford's MBA program.

3) Start career guidence blog/website for college students.

4) Spend more time with friends and less with acquaintences... maybe host some dinner parties to combine this one and #7. Nothing like synergies. Dude... I could even combine it with #5!! wooooo

5) Buy a better digital camera and start capturing more of the best moments of my life... encorporate photos into blog.

6) Solve the laundry backup problem in my apartment... probably best done by actually paying to have it done.

7) Go back to cooking more and eating out less.

8) Finish third in my fantasy baseball league... The Jesuit Outcasts will win money this year!!

Investment Relations

Blogs and Blogs and Blogs