Tech Open House, OpenAlley, NYCamp... whatever you want to call it: An idea to promote NYC Tech to outsiders

I had a little exchange the other day via Twitter with Todd Earwood.  Todd's a part of the Louisville blogger mafia, which includes Rob May, Matt Winn, and Ashley Cecil.  I told them that they need to all make it up to the city one of these days.

At the same time, I just saw that Frank Gruber is planning a trip out here soon as well.  Tara and Chris make somewhat regular appearances in the Big Apple as well.

MBA students from MIT Sloan also made a recent trip to see some NYC companies...  Path 101 hosted a group to show them what we were up to. 

A lot of times, these trips involve a notification of blog friends at the last minute, maybe a Dopplr post, but certainly not a well coordinated red carpet.

What if we got all these occasional tech visitors to all come visit the city in one single week?  We could have a big NYC Open House for the tech community.  We could coordinate meetings, hold open houses at big and small companies alike.  We could get the NYC gov't involved, get group hotel rates, maybe hold it around a conference.  Plus, we could do something social, like all get Mets tix.  (They play SF in July!)

When would be a good time for this?  Who can we get involved?  Who would come?

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