The First Weekend of the Rest of My Life

One thing I'm going to really love about having a little bit of time is the opportunity to meet more people.  I'm a sponge for new people and their projects and being able to schedule things during the day is very exciting...  so these next two weeks before I go will be very busy.

However, I'm also making some time for play.   I spent a good chunk of this weekend dragging Mere around my life, which she was able to document.

Seems to me that any offspring would be genetically predisposed to large smiles...

Keeping a watchful eye over the kayakers...  and yes, that's my softball jersey.  No reason to change if I was just going to get it dirty later.


Samara almost got lapped...    but she did get on with a nice outfield single.


I think I can... I think I can...

Sweet action shots...  and yes, I totally popped the ball up to center, but it looked nice, no?

Four of Us Had Lyme Disease goes to 7-0, winning 21-12 even though we only had 8 people.

Thought exercise: Facebook ad network driven by users

links for 2007-06-16