I take a lot of meetings to just try to be helpful, especially with people's careers.  Other times, I'll take a very early meeting with an entrepreneur throwing around a few ideas or someone who comes to me when things just aren't working.  I feel like I give pretty decent advice--and that's just purely based on the excitement of the person when they walk out of the meeting.

Yet, I probably never hear back from 85% of these people.  I have no idea whether or not they ever put any of these ideas into practice, whether they worked, or whether they failed miserably--which would be good data for me.

I noticed this yesterday when two entrepreneurs that I really like came in for the second time, about 3-4 weeks after our first meeting.  We had a good chat the first time, I made some intros and suggestions for them.  They followed up on all the intros and let me know that they did--which was great b/c I hate when intros disappear into the void (Hashable solves this when people click on the follow up note).  They also told me that some of the suggestions that I gave them didn't work at all--good to know.  It was a very productive meeting that helped me work on next steps with them.  

When someone doesn't follow up at all on advice--even to tell me that the advice turned out to be terrible and not work at all--it really makes me regret even spending any time at all with the person.  I assume they walked out the door, never took any of it, and just went on their merry way.  That would be a real waste of everyone's time.

Here's a suggested way to follow up:

1) If you requested the meeting with me, it's your job to provide the thank you e-mail--and that should include a summary.  "Hey Charlie, thanks for meeting.  Your suggestions to do x, y, and z were really appreciated and I'll definitely keep you posted on how stuff goes.  I may not be able to get to them until December, but when I start, I'll let you know."

2) If you execute or run into trouble with specific suggestions, follow up questions are always welcome.  Same goes when you accomplish a specific task that was a suggestion--a post mortem on its success or failure would be great.

That's all I'm asking for--just let me know if any of the time we spent together turned out to be useful, not just because we had a good chat, but that it was actually impactful in some way.

It's Just the Principal of It

Facebook’s Messaging Platform: Color me skeptical