Looking for a new feed reader...

So, first I started with Feed Demon... but now I think I want to go web.  I want to be able to check my feeds from any computer, to not have to worry about syncing.  I want to tag feeds, too...  to create easily manageable catagories.

I tried Rojo, and there are things I liked about it and things I didn't.  It was great to be able to tag, and I liked the simplicity of the interface, and I even liked the recommendations...  but it was slow.  REALLY slow.  I'd often have to wait hours before feeds updated.  Maybe I'm an idiot and I don't know where the settings are for it.

So, if you have a web-based reader that you really love, let me know.  It needs to be fast... fast to read, fast to delete and mark as unread, fast to update, catagorize... etc.  I read a lot of feeds and need to be able to go through them quickly. 

Feedburner... made out of people!

Some Horsin' Around with the Mutts